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  • Spanish students come to Norman Pannell

    Mon 21 Mar 2022 Mr. Simpson

    We are delighted to welcome 30 children from Spain to Norman Pannell this week, who are visiting England on a cultural exchange.  The children and their teachers are gaining experience of English in our school for 4 mornings this week, then going off to explore Liverpool in the afternoons.


    Having the students visit has been a great pleasure today and our junior children have enjoyed trying out their own Spanish in the classroom and on the yard, putting their weekly Spanish lessons into real practice!

  • Parents Evening and Children's Work Gallery events

    Wed 02 Mar 2022 Mr. Simpson

    Dear parents and carers,


    We are delighted to finally be able to welcome you back into school, albeit with some restrictions, to look at your child's work.  It has been far too long since we have been able to do this and we are taking the earliest opportunity to do so.  Based on your questionnaire responses, we understand that it has been difficult for you to see how hard your child has been working across the curriculum, and the progress that he/she has been making.


    We cannot go back to the old style of parents evening, where children and adults are completely free to move and mix around school, so we are organising a series of opportunities for parents/carers to come into the halls and look at their child's achievements.  We will ensure that social distancing and hand hygiene measures are in place.  We also recommend wearing of face masks/covering, although this is voluntary.  Tea, coffee and biscuits will also be provided. 


    Please see the timetable below:


    • 9:00 - 9:45am - Monday 7th March - Year 5 (Infant Hall) and Year 6 (Junior Hall)
    • 2:15 - 3:00pm - Monday 7th March - Year 1 (Infant Hall) and Year 3 (Junior Hall)
    • 9:00 - 9:45am - Tuesday 8th March - Year 4 (Infant Hall)
    • 9:00 - 9:45am - Wednesday 9th March - Reception (Reception Classroom) and Nursery (Nursery Classroom)
    • 2:15 - 3:00pm - Wednesday 9th March - Year 2 (Infant Hall)


    The class teacher will be available in the hall for you to talk to or ask questions, should you wish to do so. 

    If you are unable to make the specific date and time for your child, but would like to come in to see their work, we can arrange this by request.


    These opportunities to come in to see your child's work in the hall will then be followed by a Parents Evening on Zoom next Thursday 10th March after school, for those parents who would like a further private conversation with the teacher.  The Zoom link and online booking form will be available after the class event in the hall.


    We hope that the combination of these two events give you a full opportunity to engage with your child's learning.  You are welcome to come to one or both, but we would particularly encourage you to come to see the work your child has been doing during the year.


    Kind regards,


    Rob Simpson


    (Head Teacher)
