Home Page

Year 6

Welcome to Year 6


Hi and welcome to Year 6's class page! Our Teacher this year is Mrs. Lyon and our Teaching Assistant is Mrs. Kelly. 


P.E days are:

Monday and Friday 


PE kits can be worn to school on these days however they must be the school PE kit (white T-shirt and black shorts or bottoms/leggings).  If your child does not have the correct PE kit then they must come to school in their school uniform and change into their kit prior to the lesson.


We will be going Swimming from Wednesday 11th September each week of an afternoon. Children will need a swim suit (no long shorts or bikinis allowed), towel, swimming cap (girls and boys) and goggles. Your child must not wear jewellery for these sessions.


Homework will be given on a Monday to be returned on a Friday. This will consist of Mathematics and SPAG related to what is being taught that week. All children will have a Reading for Pleasure book that they are to read at home as much as possible. The expectation is that they are to write three comments in their home reading log by Friday of each week. Children are also to access Reading Buddies for extra comprehension practice and must complete one book and one quiz per week. 




We hope you enjoy looking at our class page which will be updated regularly with photos and examples of work we are doing in class.


Thanks for your continued support.

Year 6 Curriculum Overview 2021-2022
