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Your child's medical needs - PLEASE KEEP US INFORMED

In order for us to support your child and keep them safe, it is vital that we know his/her most up to date medical background and needs.  These can change during the year so please use the online form below to inform us of anything we need to know.  This could include:

  • Asthma
  • newly diagnosed conditions
  • concerns you may have
  • dietary needs and allergies
  • change of doctor surgery and details


Any changes to your child's medical and dietary needs, or any medication that your child takes must be made clear to the school.


You can download and fill in the form below on MS Word and return by e-mail to the school office at OR if we have already had a form previously and you just want to keep us updated, please fill in the short contact form below for our records.


Thank you.

Pupil medical or dietary needs

Please use the form below to give us as much detail as possible about your child's needs.
