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Year 4

Tudor Timeline

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Tudor Timeline

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Tudor Timeline

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Tudor Timeline

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Tudor Timeline

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Tudor Timeline

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Tudor Timeline

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Food Technology - Tudor Banquet

Greatest Showman Music Workshop - Anglican Cathedral

Links for the Million Dreams Workshop song performances:



Years 3 and 4 have been working with Mr Mannings on the Million Dreams Workshop for the past few weeks, culminating in a workshop and performace at the Anglican Cathedral. The children have loved rehearsing the songs from the Greatest Showman film and thoroughly enjoyed the various workshops they did. It was a fantastic day and the venue was spectacular. The children sang beautifully and it was a day they will never forget. 
The children had a fantastic day at the Walker Art Gallery visiting the Tudor Portrait section. They loved seeing the artwork up close and in detail and enjoyed sketching their own portraits too. The children have contiuned their Tudor art back in school and have produced some excellent work. 

Maths Party Day

We made the most of the lovely weather to play some Maths games outside. The children enjoyed the games and the sun!
A big thank you to all everybody who joined us for our Year 3 & 4 Maths breakfast. We had a fantastic turnout and the children loved playing Maths games and showing how much they have improved. Maths games are a great way to support and deepen learning, the children benefit greatly from them. 
We have been learning all about the Tudors in Year 4 this half term, and today were lucky enough to prepare some Tudor food of our own! The children all had lots of fun preparing their very own mixed vegetable and gravy pie. They look delicious!

Science - States of Matter

We all love biscuits in Year 4, but which is the best for dunking? We had lots of fun finding out. Unsurprisingly, Hob-Nobs were the champions! We also investigated how different water temperatures can cause biscuits to fall apart at different speeds.
Does gas weigh anything? How can you tell? Year 4 had lots of fun during their practical experiment on how to measure gas. Lots of shaking and fizzing was involved!

PTA - World Cup Day

Well done to all of Year 4 for getting into the World Cup spirit last Friday. Some of the costumes were absolutely fantastic!



Continuing our work around Issues and Dilemmas, we used conscience alleys to explore the possible options available to the characters in our stories.


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Reading Breakfast - Year 3 & 4

A big thank you to to all grown ups who were able to attend our reading breakfast last Wednesday. The children loved reading to you almost as much as they loved the bacon butties that were available!


We have been looking at Issues and Dilemmas in English, and had a really interesting discussion and debate around the question ''Is it ever right to steal?''. 


The children came up with some really mature and sensible ideas and listened respectfully to each others ideas and points of view.


After this, the children were allowed to change their mind from their original point of view, based on the strength of each others opinions.

We made the most of the warm weather on Friday and went onto the field to collect data. We worked out the most popular colour and busiest minute. Later on we used this data to create our own bar charts.
Year 4 enjoyed designing their picture adverts that wiull also be included in their final filmed advert.


We have been learning about animals this week. Ask your child how they say their favourite animal in Spanish!
This week we have been rehearsing our scripts for our own adverts. They will be coming very soon!

Translating coordinates

This week we have been looking at coordinates in maths. Today the children had a chance to fully immerse themselves in how translating shapes on a grid actually works.

Deaf Active

Deaf Active visited our school today to begin their sessions with us. The children had a great time learning some new sign language and performed Love Me Do by The Beatles too!


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PTA Easter Egg Hunt

The children had a great time on the easter egg hunt. Thanks to the PTA for putting on such a great activity!


We have been working together to solve time conversion problems 


Today Year 4 attended the Come To Your Senses concert by the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra at the Philharmonic Hall.


The children thoroughly enjoyed the experience and loved continuing their musical appreciation development and understanding. 

Royal Liverpool Philharmonic

Year 4 Celebrating World Book Day and reading with year 1 pupils

Science - Sound

We have been exploring how sound travels and how how vibrations cause particles to vibrate. We then made our own string phones to talk to each other!

Year 4 had an amazing day at the Dewa Roman Experience at Chester. We learnt about the Roman way of life, explored Roman artefacts and some even dressed up as gladiators! We also marched through the streets of Chester carrying shields, the chants led by a genuine Roman soldier! The trip ended at the amphitheatre where Mr Stenson and Mr Simpson battled almost to the death!


The children thoroughly enjoyed the day and it has given them a greater knowledge of life during Roman times and what it took to be a gladiator! It was a fantastic day and every child was a credit to the school.

Maths Breakfast

Thank you to all the parents and familiy members who were able to make Year 3 and 4s Maths breakfast a huge success. The children loved showing the adults how to play the various games and puzzles and we reached our goal of achieving the Silver Liverpool Counts Quality Mark Award. Well done everybody!
We have been exploring how sound is caused by vibrations which travel through the air. We have also been experimenting with making different sounds of our own!

Design and Technology - Making Roman Coins

50 dojo merit badge winners!

HMRC came to teach Year 4 all about tax and what our taxes pay for.

Year 4 LOVE writing!

Year 4 Massage Session

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Year 4 Basketball - Passing Drills

Gardening Club


We have continued our Spanish work this week, looking at our birthdays

Rounding numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000


Today we have been practicing our dribbling and shooting skills. Team 2 won a sudden death shootout!


We have been using our drama skills to explore the Roman invasion of Britain and the impact it had on the people involved.

100% Attendance!

Well done to all of Year 4 for achieving 100% attendance in our first week. A fantastic achievement from everybody. Let's win it again next week!

Year 4 Gymnastics

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We have been working with gymnastics specialist Mr Shard again this week

Year 4 Guitar session

Year 4 ICT session

Welcome to Year 4


Hi and welcome to Year 4's class page! Our Teacher this year is Mr Stenson  and our teaching assistant is Mrs Just. 


P.E days are:




Reading books will be sent home daily and books will be changed on a weekly basis. Children will complete a guided reading session each week with Mr Stenson.


Homework will be handed out on Fridays and needs to be returned no later than Wednesdays for marking and new homework to be set.


We hope you enjoy looking at our class page which will be updated regularly with photos and examples of work we are doing in class.


Thanks for your continued support.
