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Year 2

Welcome to Year 2!

Hello everyone! Welcome to Miss Threadgill's wonderful Year 2 class. Our super TA is Mrs Green and this year we are very lucky to have Mr Howard working in our classroom as well. We hope you enjoy our page. There are lots of videos and pictures of what we have been doing so far this year. There will be plenty more to come too!


We have P.E. on Monday and Tuesday. Please make sure you have your P.E. kits and pumps on these days.



Homework is given out on Fridays and should be handed in to Miss Threadgill by the following Wednesday for marking.

Maths Party

Today the children had their maths party with a game of pass the parcel. As you can see from the pictures they really enjoyed it. 

Children's University

Smoking Awareness

In the afternoon of May 8th, Year 4 came to visit to share their smoking project with Year 2. The children displayed much interest and enthusiasm as they learned all about the effects of smoking and the harmful chemicals contained in tobacco. The two classes then worked together in small groups to complete a smoking project booklet, for which they created a smoking awareness poster along with an acrostic poem entitled 'Stop Smoking', to encourage readers to give up this habit!

Pyjama Day

On Thursday 6th April Year 2 continued in their support of the superb efforts of the school PTA, by wearing their pyjamas to school. With a full turn out of superheroes, cuddly creatures and the odd Christmas onesie thrown in, everyone looked as fabulous as always and great fun was had by all!

Creative Week

As this week has been creative week, Year 2 have been doing lots of creative things around the story 'What if..?' by Anthony Browne. 

We have completed lots of writing including party invitations and a Diary entry of what the little boy might of been feeling. 


Today the children started a new music song which we will be working on over the next few weeks. We hope to have an improved version up on the website soon. 

i want to play in a band 2.mp4

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Samba Music

Today has been a very busy day as we have had students in our classroom doing History. However, Years 5 & 6 had students teaching them Samba music and where is comes from. The children then put on a show for the rest of the school and Year 2 really enjoyed it.

History students

This morning we were lucky enough to have some students from Hope University to talk about how the Albert Dock has changed over the years. The  children had to put the pictures on a number line  in the correct order. 

World Book Day!!

On Thursday this week it was World Book Day and the children were able to get dressed up. Here you can see the children in there costumes.

Science week

This week it has been science week. Our school was invited to Gateacre Secondary School to see how much energy is in food. The children really enjoyed it as you can see from the photos.

Science Week

At the start of the week we had the Owl Man come in with some of his Owls. The children really enjoyed this and many of them got to hold one on their hand

Meeting Nick Sharratt

On the 3rd of February Reception class, along with Years 1,2 &3 were invited to Stockton Primary School to meet the brilliantly artistic Nick Sharratt. He is well known for stories such as 'Caveman Dave', 'Pants' and 'Shark in the park'. Here are some of the pictures that we were able to take. 

Maths Breakfast

On Wednesday Years 1 &2 hosted a Maths breakfast morning where parents were invited to come in and play Maths games with the children.You can see from the children's and parent's faces that it was an enjoyable morning. 

Cake Tasting

Today the children where cake tasting and finding out which cake they prepared. We had 3 different kind of cakes; Angel cake, Banana cake and Chocolate roll. From the pictures we have, it really seems like the children enjoyed the tasting!


On the 18th of January Year 2 were invited to take park in LSSP Gymnastics. They all enjoyed it and the afternoon was a great experience. 

Music performance

This week in class we have been learning the song 'Hey you', were we have been practising our singing. Here you will see the video of our first performance. Then in 6 weeks time we will be putting up another video of our final performance were some of the children will be playing the glockenspiel.

Hey You.mp4

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Mannequin Challenge

A few weeks ago Year 5 did a very good Mannequin Challenge. However, Year 2 thought that we could beat it and put the challenge out there to any of the other Years. Please enjoy.

Mannequin Challenge

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Craft Morning!

Thank you to all the parents that could come today. It was a really good fun filled morning. Here are come of the pictures we took. 

Year 2 and 3 enjoyed Christmas story telling with Jude Lennon. 

Santa Dash

Today was our Santa dash where we ran round the park, twice, with every year. It was so lovely to see many of the parents there to support and cheer on the children. Here are some of the pictures that were taken.

Santa needs HELP!!!

On the 06/12/2016 Years 2 &3 were invited to Gateacre High School, to help Santa out. His sleigh wouldn't stop and he didn't know how he was going to deliver all the presents to the children. So he asked the children of Norman Pannell to help. Santa needed the children to design a parachute so he could drop the presents out of the sleigh.  Here are some of the photos.


Today in school we had people from Food For Thought (FFT) come in and help the children to make Chutney. They had to chop the onion, apples and dates. Also the chefs had added in 5 spice, cloves and curry powder.  

Silly Hair Day!

Today in school it was Silly Hair Day. All the children did crazy and silly things to their hair and all loved it. Here are some of the pictures of the children.

Making Music

Today we used Carnival of the Animals by Camille Saint-Saens to help us create our own music using a graphic score. Here is one of our performances! We hope you enjoy it.

Music take 1.mp4

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Children In Need

Today is Children In Need and the children were able to come to school in their own clothes or with anything yellow. Our Class looked amazing as usual.

Teddy Hospital

Today the children had visitors from University of Liverpool talking about how to wash their hands, which foods to eat, where different organs are in our bodies and what we go to the doctors for. We even had a chance to make a pretend emergency phone call.    

Picture day!

Today the photographer came in and took the children's pictures. However, as you can see from the photos below our class were already picture perfect.

Road safety

This week the children were very lucky to have Pc Neil in to talk about road safety. Pc Neil went over all the different signs and wwhat they mean. He also went over what we have to do when we are crossing the road.

Poem Reading

Today the children have been performing poems to the rest of the class. They chose their favourite poem and performed then beautifully. We really enjoyed it! 

My Movie 5.mp4

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My Movie 4.mp4

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My Movie 3.mp4

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My Movie 2.mp4

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My poem.mp4

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This afternoon Years 2 & 3 split up into 3 different groups with the four different teachers. Each group had a different area they had to look after. The areas that where being made ready for winter were the front of school, the reading garden and the conservatory.  


Today in Year 2 we had our first swimming session and had a fantastic time. Here are some of the things the children said when leaving the baths.

"I couldn't swim but I can now as I was kicking my legs."

"I feel so happy." 

"I feel I can swim now."

We can not wait till next week for our next session.


Samuel Pepys 

Today in school we had a very special visitor, all the way from 1666, Samuel Pepys. He came to talk to the children about what it felt like when the Great Fire of London happened. Mr Pepys acted out how he found out about the fire. He then stayed and had a question and answer session with the class.

Mr Pepys

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Church Visit

This week our class were able to visit the church and learn about Harvest. In the church we were able to access a carousel of activities.

Science In Year 2

In Year 2 our topic is materials and their properties. Today we looked at how a solid can change shape, using play doh! 

Below is a map which shows you what we will be studying in Year 2 during the Autumn Term.



Cooking in Year 2

This week in Year 2 we have been making cakes which were the ones that were made in 1666. (see below for recipe) The children really enjoyed making them but had a much better time eating them! 

Recipe from Samuel Pepys' Diary 

Computing in Year 2


This term Year 2 have been looking at how to stay safe online. We came up with lots of ideas together.

Properties of materials.


Today we studied the properties of various liquids. We mixed four liquids together and observed what happened. It was very exciting when the materials all separated. When we added salt we made a lava lamp! You can do nit at home with honey, water, food colouring, oil and salt.

Fun Run


Yesterday, some of our class took part in a mile long fun run with lots of different schools from all around the city! One of our class even came in the top ten for all of Norman Pannell, beating off lots of competition from older children!


Ladybirds made halves of numbers in maths today with the help of some counting bears!

P.E. in Year 2

This term in Year 2 we have been engaging in Dance and tag Rugby. We are very lucky to have fully qualified instructors teaching us. In Dance we are creating an 'under the sea' performance and in tag Rugby we are learning the rules of the game.


Delamere Forest


Yesterday, the whole school went to Delamere forest! Year 2 had a fantastic day. We hunted for leaves, identified trees, made bark rubbings and met a ranger called Peter. He told us all about the different plants in the forest. Have a look at our pictures and all the fun we had.


Year 1 and 2 had a fun afternoon trying out different activities from the Paralympics.

Maths in Year 2.

During our first week back we will be looking at counting in 2s, 5s, 10s and 3s. Triangle table even used their knowledge to make different amounts using money!
