Welcome to the Year 2 class page.
The teachers in this class are Mrs Brown, Miss Fowlis and the teaching assistant is Miss Kelsey.
P.E. this term will take place on Monday and Friday.
PE kits can be worn to school on these days, they must be the school PE kit (white T-shirt and black shorts or bottoms).
Reading books will be sent home daily and must be brought into school every day. The children are expected to read every night and this will be monitored daily. We follow Read, Write Inc for our phonics and reading. Below you will find a link for information about Read, Write Inc.
Homework will be sent out each Friday and returned to school by the following Wednesday.
This page will be updated soon with key information, timetables, resources and celebrations of the children's activities and achievements.
You can also follow the fun on Twitter by searching for @NormanPannellY2 (class page) and @NormanPannellPS (whole school).