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Welcome to the Governors' section

The governors are essential to the leadership of Norman Pannell Primary School.


The current governing body consists of:


Graham Maher - Chair of Governors

Meryl Sangare - Vice Chair of Governors


Rob Simpson - Headteacher

Beverly Denton - Staff Governor


Local Authority Governor:

Meryl Sangare (School Improvement Liverpool)


Co-opted Governors:

Charlie Coyne

Gill Malone


Parent Governors:

Michelle Broley

Rachel Daye


In the latest OFSTED inspection (November 2016) the following judgements were made about Norman Pannell's governance:


"Governors contribute much to the life of the school and its strategic direction. They regularly ask probing questions about attendance, teaching, behaviour and pupils’ achievement, including that of disadvantaged pupils.

Governors have a good understanding of the school’s strengths and priorities for development. They are focused on raising pupils’ attainment and accelerating their progress, and regard the safety and care of pupils as paramount."

If you have any ideas, comments or questions about the school, please get in touch with the governors by talking to the parent governors on the school yard.  Alternatively, you can fill out the comment form below:

Contact the Governors

Please use the form below to send an e-mail directly to the Chair of Governor, Graham Maher. Your e-mail will be responded to as quickly as possible.
