Oak National Academy
Oak National Academy is a free platform which is accessible on any device including mobiles. There are no sign ups or logins required. Oak offers pupils online lessons and resources. The lessons are structured in a series of 'building blocks' and contain a starter quiz, finishing quiz and an activity. Each session contains a pre-recorded video lesson taught by a teacher.
All lessons are available now and over the summer to catch up on any missed learning. Below, are links to some of the key objectives that need to be covered.
Year 1 Measures - Length and Mass
Lesson 1 - To compare lengths and heights of objects
Lesson 2 - To measure lengths using non-standard units
Lesson 3 - To measure lengths using non-standard units
Lesson 4 –To begin to understand standard units of measure
Lesson 5 - To problem solve using doubling and halving
Lesson 6 - To find the mass of objects using non-standard units
Lesson 7 - To compare the mass of more than two objects
Lesson 8 - To find the mass of objects using non-standard units
Lesson 9 - To find the mass of objects in units
Lesson 10 - To experience standard units of mass.
Year 1 Measures – Capacity and Volume
Lesson 1 - To directly compare the capacities of two containers
Lesson 2 - To indirectly compare the capacities by measuring in non-standard units
Lesson 3 - To compare different volumes
Lesson 4 - To apply understanding of halves and quarters to capacity
Lesson 5 - To introduce a litre as a standard unit of measure
Posted 29.6.20
Good morning parents and carers. I hope you and your family are well.
As I announced on Friday, I am delighted that we are in a position to continue the re-opening of school, following the successful structures we have put in place for Year 6 and Reception last week. Year 1 are the next year group and will be welcome back from Monday 6th July.
It may be that some parents question the value in bringing the Year 1 children back for such as short time before the summer holidays. I believe that the last two weeks of term could be really beneficial to the Year 1 children for the following reasons:
Of course we do understand that there may be some parents who are anxious and reluctant to send children back in. If this is the case with you, please feel free to contact me and I will phone to discuss.
We must ensure that 'bubbles' of different age groups and classes across the school stay apart throughout the day, including the drop-off and pick-up times. Therefore, Year 1 will have their own gate to come in and out, which will be on the far corner of the staff car park (near to the caretaker's house). Please do not come in through the usual pedestrian gate. Year 1 children will be invited onto the infant yard with parents, where they line up at the end of break and lunchtimes. Miss McCallion or Y1 staff will then take the children to class.
According to government guidance, we are still unable to have more than 15 children in a 'bubble' (single classroom). These children stay together and do not mix for the whole day. Therefore, the first 15 parents / children to sign up would be in the main Y1 bubble in their classroom with Miss McCallion. If there are then additional children, they will still be welcome in school, but would be in the KS1 bubble, mixed with Year 2 children. Whilst this would be a bit different, it would still be fun and beneficial, just not quite the same. It is therefore important to use the form below to reply and book your child's place, if wanted, in the Year 1 bubble as soon as possible. If you are unable to use the form below, please phone school.
Please fill in this form and submit to book your child's place in the Year 1 bubble from 6th July. Ensure you include your child's full name and an up-to-date mobile number.
In the event of school closure/self-isolation...
We are currently providing children with work to take home, to be prepared if families are having to self-isolate or if school closure was to take place.
In Year 1, children will be sent home with some activities for Phonics, Maths, English and Handwriting.
Links to educational websites and other free resources to use at home will also be provided below.
Please also make sure to take time to use the links in the 'Mindfulness and Keeping Active' section below each day.
Remember to check the Twitter page for updates! If you have a Twitter account, you can even send us a tweet and pictures of what you have been up to at home.
Week 28/06/20
New Classroom Secrets pack for this week with some Maths and English work.
Work through this great Home School Talk4Writing Unit about Sidney Spider!
Literacy Shed
A fantastic bank of engaging lessons and activities on the link below!
Oak National Academy
Daily Maths, English and Foundation subject lessons with video support and activities to complete.
Want to learn some Spanish at home? Have a look at these fantastic activities and try some with your family!
Please make time to work with your child on their current phonics stage
This can be done using the phonics pack that has been sent home along with the Phase resources below or by using the links provided below.
Phase 3 Resources
Links to ebooks and other reading websites below.
Please choose an activity each day to work on from the Year 1 section of the Maths Homework Grid below.
Any written work can be completed in the exercise book sent home.
Home Learning Projects
Weekly packs filled with great Maths, English, Phonics and Wider Curriculum activities and projects.
Free Online Resources
A login has been created for each child to access 'Classroom Secrets Kids' which has lots of fun and engaging activities to complete at home - login details will be sent home with your child.
Other educational websites are providing free access during this time - links will be posted below.
Mindfulness and Keeping Active
A list of links to websites/apps/videos that will help with mindfulness and keeping your children active during school closure.
Welcome to Year 1's class page!
Our teacher this year is Miss McCallion and we will also have Miss Jade as our Teaching Assistant each afternoon. We are both very excited to work with the children this year and support them as they embark on a new learning journey in Key Stage 1!
Keep an eye on our website and Twitter page for any information, updates and photographs throughout the year!
Click the link below to visit our Twitter Class page
We hope your enjoy looking at our class page and Twitter to find out what we have been learning about in class!
If you have any questions, news or concerns then please do not hesitate to speak to Miss McCallion or Miss Jade.
Freestanding Structures
In Design and Technology we have been looking at the features of freestanding structures and planning how best to make our own. The children have gotten off to a great start with their swings and slides!
Freeze Frames
Today we created Freeze Frames of the witch from Hansel and Gretel. We are going to use these pictures to help us write a description!
Local Area School Trip
We had a fantastic time exploring our local area this morning. We looked for different features such as bus stops, post boxes, shops, fire station and then ticked them off on our clipboards when we saw them. We took our shopping lists to Morrison's and searched the aisles for the ingredients we needed! We are looking forward to baking cupcakes tomorrow
Year 1 enjoyed a fantastic practical maths lesson using lots of equipment to help them represent a number!