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As attendance is crucial to effective learning and future success, the school places great emphasis on regular attendance in communications with parents. At Norman Pannell, we wish to promote and encourage regular attendance as an essential factor in our pupils’ learning and personal development.

Attendance Policy 2022

Liverpool Attendance Charter 2021

What happens when your child is absent from school?

Pizza Party for 100% Attenders

As you may have read in our recent Ofsted inspection report, one of our key targets as a school is to increase the rate of attendance. This is a difficult area to improve as it needs the teamwork of children, staff and importantly, parents. Working together, we can raise attendance at an individual, class and whole school level.


  • Like most schools, we consider GOOD attendance to be at least 97% (individual or school average).
  • Individually, we class attendance in 5 different colour-coded categories:
    • GREEN - 100% - Perfect attendance – not a single day or half day absent
    • GREEN - 97 - 99% is considered 'Good Attendance'
    • YELLOW - 90 – 97% - Below good attendance - need to improve
    • PINK - 85 – 90% - Very low attendance in need of rapid improvement - persistent absence. Meeting with school pastoral team to discuss reasons / possible support
    • RED - Less than 85% - Persistent absence, intervention of Education Welfare Officer (EWO) if no rapid improvement, depending on reasons

Parents will receive a colour-coded letter each half term to inform you of your child's attendance. Children who have 100% attendance for each half term will take part in a special /treat or activity.

Attendance Jars

You may have noticed the attendance money jars in our infant hall. Each week the class average is calculated with the class awards.  At the end of term classes can total up the amount of money they have accumulated in their jars and spend the money on something nice.

  • 100% = £5
  • 99% = £4
  • 98% = £3
  • 97% = £2
  • 96% = £1