(Special Educational Needs and Disabilities)
Welcome to our school page about Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. Our SEND co-ordinator (SENCO) is Mrs. Katie Todhunter. Our SEND link-governor is Mrs. Michelle Broley.
At Norman Pannell Primary School, we believe in creating an ethos and educational environment that is person-centred and has the views and needs of the child / young person at its heart, along with their families / carers.
Ofsted 2016 stated that: "Staff are especially successful in supporting the learning of pupils who have special educational needs and/or disabilities."
If your child has a learning need or disability and you would like to know more about what we offer at Norman Pannell Primary School, please contact Mrs. Todhunter using the simple form below:
Norman Pannell Primary School is a mainstream school but we are able to accommodate children with a wide range of additional needs. We aim to ensure that all children are included and able to access the same curriculum and enjoy the same learning opportunities. Norman Pannell believe that the key to supporting children who have additional needs is through high quality teaching with additional interventions, if required. To ensure that good progress is made, modifications and amendments are used where appropriate to remove barriers to learning.
All pupils with SEND are tracked and monitored regularly in Reading, Writing and Maths and are tested once a term.
Following each attainment period, the attainment and progress of SEND pupils are discussed during 'pupil progress' meetings, with the Head Teacher, with actions being taken where necessary to support learning further or to develop a further understanding of the child's needs ie: outside agency support or an intervention programme to be implemented.
To view our school's Local Offer on the Local Authority site visit: https://fsd.liverpool.gov.uk/kb5/liverpool/fsd/service.page?id=71ptaDP9gqg&localofferchannel=8
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