We are delighted to offer football club on Thursdays after school, for children in Y3&4. This will take place on the school field or hall, led by established football coach, Richy Stinchcomb and is FREE to all children.
Children must wear P.E. kit or a football kit that they bring in separately. This is not a P.E. day and normal uniform must be worn during the day, with children getting changed at the end of the school day. They do not have to get changed at the end and may put their uniform in a bag to take home.
Football Club will run from 3:20 - 4:15pm. If you would like your child to attend, please complete the contact form below. As ever, attendance will count towards Children's University credits.
Please complete below giving the following details: * Child's name * Child's class * Parent / carer name collecting * Emergency contact number * Any medical information