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Welcome to our school website!


Norman Pannell Primary School is an exciting, ambitious school that is determined to achieve the highest standard of educational experiences for every child. Our aim is to provide a welcoming, supportive environment where children feel safe and secure, enabling them to enjoy their learning every day and strive to reach their full potential. We are fortunate to have a spacious, stimulating school site that offers plenty of scope for extra-curricular activities and a range of opportunities.


We believe that the school has a vital role to play in the local community, and we value the relationships between children, staff, parents, governors and helpers. These relationships are built on trust and good will, and are a key ingredient to the school’s inclusive approach.  Through our developing curriculum, and with a growing emphasis on children’s Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural awareness (SMSC), we aim to prepare children for the challenges of a rapidly changing, diverse world, developing not only academic intelligence, but also the emotional and social skills that will enable them to lead successful, happy lives.  Developing personal qualities such as resilience, tolerance and awareness of local, national and world events are important aspects of this as we prepare the children for life in 21st century Britain.


I hope that you find our new website useful and engaging. We will be constantly looking to update and enhance the content with the latest news, information and celebrations of the many great achievements by children and staff.


Thank you very much for visiting – if you require any additional information, or would like to visit the school in person, please get in touch with the school office to arrange an appointment.

Mr. Rob Simpson

