We currently have spaces in our Nursery as soon as your child turns 3 years old. If you would like to consider Norman Pannell for your child, please contact the school and ask for a tour. Mr. Simpson (Headteacher) would be very pleased to introduce you to Mrs Todhunter (Nursery teacher) and the Early Years Team so that you can imagine your child's transition into school.
We work very hard to ensure children settle quickly into school life, helping to develop confident, happy children who have all the skills necessary to progress successfully into Reception and beyond.
In our Ofsted inspection of November 2016, the inspectors made the following comment about our Early Years provision:
"Children enter a rich and stimulating world that excites their senses and fires their curiosity."
(Read the full report in the 'Key Information' menu, then click on 'Ofsted Reports')
Please click the link to view Mrs Todhunter's Nursery class page...
Please click the link below to view our Nursery Twitter page where you will find lots of pictures of the fantastic activities the children are able to explore everyday in our provision...