Intent for PSHE
Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds, Healthy Futures.
PSHE underpins our whole curriculum design as we all learn best when we have confidence, resilience and positive self-esteem. At Norman Pannell we aim to teach our children the skills, values and attributes to flourish in a demanding, modern society. Embedded through our whole curriculum we promote Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds, Healthy Futures.
We want our children to take responsibility for their future and have a broad understanding of how choices they make will impact on their life. We want them to have a full understanding of what it is like in their world but to then extend this understanding to the wider society and world. In addition to the PSHE Curriculum, our children will learn how to form opinions and express their views of a wide range of current affairs through Philosophy sessions and discussions.
At Norman Pannell we follow Jigsaw Scheme of work. This scheme has 6 main themes that all year groups follow: Being me in my world, Celebrating Difference, Dreams and Goals, Healthy Me, Relationships and Changing Me. The last 3 units are where the statutory content is taught. Each of the units are progressive and spiral and build on the previous year. Due to the way the scheme is designed, all themes are revisited and built upon, with content getting more challenging and appropriate to the age group. Due to National lockdown for Covid 19, statutory content was missed and therefore, for the academic Year 2021-2022, we will only be teaching the statutory content from the previous year group and then the current year’s scheme of work.
The main aim of the curriculum is to equip children with knowledge, skills and attitudes that are transferrable to other subjects and life. Each of the 6 themes are spilt into six part lessons: Connect Us (a game to bring together the group), Calm Me (A meditation to get them ready to learn), Open my Mind (A stimulus for discussion), Tell Me/Show Me (Circle time discussion), Let me Learn (Task related to stimulus and discussion) and Help me reflect (Time for personal reflection). This is the way each lesson for all Year groups is split up and all of these parts have equal importance to ensure that the children aquire the skills and knowledge they need.
In addition to the curriculum PSHE offer, we also complement this with high quality Philosophy for Children lessons. The majority of our staff team are trained to deliver these sessions. We also have many enhancements from visitors and organisations for example, The Peace Foundation, Ariel Trust, PCOS County Lines, The Anne Frank Trust, Banardos, Bully Busters, Creative Briefs and NSPCC. PSHE is also threaded throughout the wider curriculum with many cross over links: Science for Healthy Me and Changing Me; Geography when covering environment; Computing when covering e-safety; Religious Education when celebrating different faiths, religions and cultures, and is at the centre of our English Curriculum and our quality texts.
During Jigsaw lessons children record their reflections and thought in their Jigsaw Journals - these are special books that the children see as private to them.
Teachers also record children's thoughts, feelings and opinions in a class floor book. See the tabs below for good examples of work completed in all year groups.