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Y3&4 Kingswood Colomendy details:

Dear Y3/4 parents and carers, 


Please find below some further information and clarifications regarding the residential trip to Kingswood Colomendy, departing tomorrow.


Drop off arrangements for tomorrow morning:

Children are to bring their bags/cases to the community room when they arrive in the morning. The same applies for children coming to breakfast club. Mr Stenson will help collect and store the bags away. 



Any medication will be taken and recorded. If you are bringing medication for your child, please ensure your child's medical form states this. These can be ameded/updated Monday morning. 


Gift shop:

We advise a maximum of £10 (can be less), ideally in coins in a money bag/envelope with your child's name on it.  This will be kept safe by the  teachers.



Children will have lunch in school as normal. If your child has a packed lunch, they are to bring it as normal also.


Departure (Mon 6th Feb):

We will aim to be leaving school around 1:00 - 1:15pm tomorrow afternoon. 


Return (Wed 8th Feb):

We will be leaving Colomendy around 12:30pm, to be back at school before 2:00pm. The children will then go straight to the hall to watch the pantomime. The children will have their lunch at Colomendy before they depart. 



Children are to come to school tomorrow in their own clothes. They are NOT to wear their school uniform. We advise parents to pack warm clothes for the children with sensible footwear. Hat/gloves/scarf are also advisable. 



Children will be collected at normal time from class at home time (3:20pm).  The children will have their bags/cases with them. 



There will be regular twitter posts showing the activities the children are taking part in. Please check @NormanPannellPS for updates. 


If you have any other questions/queries, please get in touch. 


We are really looking forward to going on this exciting trip - see you tomorrow!
