Good afternoon parents,
It has been wonderful to see all of the children in Year 1-6 finally back in school today. We have just finished a long lunch service, which is taking place in two different halls with a variety of measures in place to keep pupils and staff safe. All children seem to have coped incredibly well with their first day back and it is clear that they are delighted to see each other once again. We have also welcomed a number of new children and families into our school family - a warm welcome to them!
I'd like to thank parents and carers for your co-operation and support with the new staggered start times. We were monitoring the start of the day and have taken feedback from a few parents who have kindly got in touch.
The children came into school very smoothly and happily this morning, which is fantastic! The only concern raised has been about congestion by the gates, where social distancing was not always achieved. We aim to support this for the safety of everybody and I will be outside the Y3/4 gate after school to help everybody to get away quickly and safely at the end of the day. When you drop-off and pick up, please wait in your car or stand away from the gates until your child's class is called in by school staff. Once your child has gone in, please move right away from the school premises as soon as possible to avoid congestion. If you are waiting, please do so carefully, on the pavement and keeping clear distance from other parents and children.
Every school site is different and each school has slightly different procedures. As part of our risk assessments, every new routine will be reviewed and if necessary changed in order to maintain the highest level of safety. Thank you so much for your comments and support in helping us to launch the school term successfully.
Yours sincerely,
Mr. Simpson
(Head teacher)