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Teachers for next year 2020-21

Update: 3.7.20


Good afternoon parents,


As we reach the weekend, we now have 2 full weeks of the summer term left before the summer holidays.  For those families or children who have unfortunately been stuck back at home since the end of March, I realise that the rhythm of school terms has been greatly affected, but we are at the time of year where we are planning for September.


Next year, teachers are staying in the same classrooms and year groups as this year; therefore the structure below is familiar to the children and parents, providing some much-needed 'normality' and consistency while we continue to navigate through the challenges of Covid-19 and attempt to 'catch-up' with schooling lost this year.



Mrs. Ghader

Miss Rita (teaching assistant)

+ additional 1:1 support



Miss Gold

Miss Ashley (teaching assistant)

+ additional 1:1 support


Year 1:

Miss McCallion

Miss Sarah (1:1)

Miss Jade (teaching assistant)


Year 2:

Mrs. McMaster & Mrs. Brown (job share)

Mrs. Haggerty / Miss Jade


Year 3:

Mr. Stenson

Miss Megan (1:1)

Miss Bella (1:1)


Year 4:

Mrs. Size (3.5 days) & Mrs. Singhania (1.5 days)

Miss Goffey (1:1)

Miss Georgia (1:1)


Year 5:

Miss Lamont

Mrs. Kelly


Year 6:

Miss Harrison

+ additional support to be confirmed


Pastoral & Attendance: Mrs. Denton

SENCO: Miss Gold

P.E. / Gymnastics: Mr. Shard + LSSP coaching

Computing Mr. Goodhall-Walker


We will be sending out additional information from the teachers and plans for next year to help the children to feel comfortable and positive about September during the summer holiday.  This will be sent out with the children's end of year reports before the end of term.


  • Year 4 - we are delighted to welcome Mrs. Singhania onto the school staff this year, following Mrs. Size's request to reduce her working week by one day to spend a bit more time with her young family.  Mrs. Singhania has already taught the current Year 3 on many occasions and knows the children well.  It is fantastic to have this opportunity to welcome onto the staff such a strong teacher who has already committed so much to our school and staff team, first as a student teacher in Year 6, then last year as a supply teacher, including 1:1 work with some vulnerable children.  Mrs. Size and Mrs. Singhania have already met and started planning for next year, forming an exciting team for the children.


Wishing everybody a lovely weekend.  We look forward to welcoming Year 1 back next week and seeing what children still at home are achieving through Twitter or e-mails to school.


Yours sincerely,


Rob Simpson
