Welcome back to the new school year at Norman Pannell!
We hope all of our children, families and staff have had a healthy holiday with some fun memories to look back on.
The school term starts for ALL children (except Nursery) on Monday 4th September.
Nursery children start from Thursday 7th September.
As parents know from newsletters in the Summer Term, Phase 3 of our whole-school refurbishment has been in full swing during the holidays, with work on schedule and looking great! This work is due for completion by the end of September, but means that Reception and Year 1 classes are in temporary classrooms for the first 3-4 weeks of term.
Important information about drop-off and pick-ups:
Breakfast and Twilight Club
For the Autumn and Spring Terms, were are welcoming the staff and children from Netherley Youth and Community Initiative (NYCI) to join forces and combine our services while their premises are refurbished.
Drop-off and pick-up for both these clubs will be at the door on the Infant Yard nearest the playground train. Parents must be in attendance to sign children in and pick-up.
Reminder: All payments for breakfast and twilight club must be made via the Parent Pay app - please book in advance.
Important Dates:
Fri 1st Sept – INSET DAY (staff only)
Mon 4th Sept – First day of new school year
Mon 4th Sept – Reception class start 8:45am
Wed 6th Sept – Year 2 “Meet the Teacher” parent meeting in class 9:00-9:30am
Thurs 7th Sept – Nursery children start
Thurs 7th Sept - Year 6 “Meet the Teacher” parent meeting in class 9:00-9:30am
Fri 8th Sept - Year 5 “Meet the Teacher” parent meeting in class 9:00-9:30am
Mon 11th Sept - Year 4 “Meet the Teacher” parent meeting in class 9:00-9:30am
Tues 12th Sept - Year 3 “Meet the Teacher” parent meeting in class 9:00-9:30am
Wed 13th Sept - Year 1 “Meet the Teacher” parent meeting in class 9:00-9:30am
Fri 22nd Sept – Nursery & Reception - Stay and Play 9:00-9:30am