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Sports Day UPDATE

We would like to apologise to all parents/carers for having to cancel/postpone sports day this morning due to the bad weather. At this time of the year there is a lot going on in school and the timetable is completely full. We cannot find a full day where the whole school can participate in the same way.


We have therefore made the decision that the children will participate in a sports day this year but not with parents in attendance. This then allows us to be flexible when each pair of classes carries theirs sports day out - we want to avoid any further disruption for parents / carers. This will still be a memorable event for the children and the winners will still get the recognition they deserve with medals for the winners and certificates for all that participate. Please ensure your child has his/her PE kit in school each day, arriving at school as normal in uniform.


We apologise once again if this has caused you any inconvenience. Please check the class pages on the website for photos and videos of your child participating in events. 
