Dear Parents and Carers,
Following site inspection and risk assessment this afternoon, I am pleased to say that school will be OPEN tomorrow for all pupils.
The site is safe for fire evacuation and at its entrance points. The pavement directly outside the gate is free of ice. There is enough ice-free pavement on Brownbill Bank to walk up and down the road without treading on ice, although I would ask everyone to take extra care when travelling to and from school, as some patches of ice may still remain. If driving, please take extra care and drive slowly. I was unable to check the church car park, so please take great care if using it.
Looking at the weather forecast, we are not expecting further snow or frozen temperatures tonight and the predicted rising temperatures tomorrow should ensure more melting continues to improve the situation.
The children will be entering through the front entrances tomorrow morning; it may be possible to collect from the classroom doors by the end of the day - please look out for texts with instructions for the end of the day.
We look forward to seeing you and your child in the morning!
Kind regards,
Rob Simpson