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Norman Pannell TWITTER is LIVE

As you may know, we have now launched the school Twitter account: @NormanPannellPS


This will allow us to participate in a range of exciting activities and types of communication that we were previously excluded from.


Some parents have already signed up, but a few have had questions.  You do not need to be a regular Twitter user to enjoy our account and see your child having fun in school.  You can simply download Twitter to your smartphone, laptop, PC etc., make an account (as private as you want) and Follow @NormanPannellPS and your child's class account e.g. @NormanPannellY5.


This will mean that whenever we Tweet, you will receive a notification on your device and enjoy the content.  It's free to use and surprisingly simple.


We would like parents / carers and visitors to 'Like' and/or 'Retweet' our updates, and also to comment with supportive messages for the children or school.  The account is intended as a celebration and comments should only be positive. 


Please ensure that you do not post any comments that could be seen as negative, controversial or offensive, as we will be forced to block users in this case.  If you are unhappy or have a question, please contact the school in the usual way as we will not be answering personal questions in the comments attached to posts.


We will be holding a parents' demonstration and information session soon, so please look out for updates.  Finally, it is important that you have signed to give permission for your child's image to be posted on Twitter as we will not be able to include them in some photos unless permission has been granted.


We hope you enjoy joining us on our journey into the exciting world of Twitter!
