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Increase in Costs for Breakfast and Twilight Club, plus school dinners increase reminder

Dear parents and carers,


Due to significant increases in costs to energy, food, staffing etc. and following a governor review, we will be increasing the costs of some of our services.


We have undertaken market research and believe that, despite our price rise, we remain very competitive (sometimes far cheaper) compared to other local providers, having kept our charges at the same low level for many years.  We are confident that our services provide high quality at a very reasonable rate, but as always, would welcome feedback on this.  


Please see below:

  • Breakfast Club: recently increased from £1.00 to £1.50
  • Twilight Club (after school provision):
    • £6 up to 5pm collection (£1 increase)
    • £7 up to 5:30pm collection (£1 increase)
  • School Dinners (for those not entitled to Free School Meals: Increase from £1.60 to £1.80 per day until the end of this academic year


Increases to Twilight Club and School Dinners will take effect from Tuesday 9th May.


We will soon be launching Parent Pay, which will be the new, more convenient way for parents and carers to pay for any of our services, including the above, school trips etc.  Parent Pay is used by many schools and will make communication and tracking of payments much simpler for parents and school.  Further details to follow.


We do not wish to raise these costs and appreciate that this could cause difficulties for some families in the current economic climate; however, we are not able to continue to run these services at a loss, therefore have to increase.

