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Home Testing during the Easter Holidays

Dear parents and carers,


Whilst data shows that the number of Covid-19 cases is dramatically reduced compared to just a few weeks ago, we are reminded of the need to be vigilant and continue to follow guidelines by the fact that at least two of our local schools have had bubble closures and further disruption this last week.


Our staff continue to voluntarily take 2 Covid-19 Lateral Flow tests per week to ensure we avoid accidentally bringing the virus into school.  Equally, many parents have arranged for household home testing, and others have correctly booked PCR tests at a testing centre where symptoms exist.  Thank you for this commitment to everybody's safety and the smooth running of our school.


Please click on the link below for more information about ordering or collecting home testing kits for families with school children.


Click here for home testing kit ordering


It would be advisable and greatly appreciated for families to follow the instructions and carry out these tests before coming back into school at the end of the holiday.  


Kind regards,

Rob Simpson

(Head Teacher)
