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Free School Meals Vouchers - Update 23.4.20 7:15am

Good morning parents,


I am pleased to say that, having checked the Edenred website, ALL applications for this week's vouchers have now gone 'LIVE', meaning that if you haven't already received your e-mail, you should do today.


Please check your e-mail inbox (and junk inbox just in case) to redeem your voucher as soon as possible.


When you do this, you will select the supermarket of your choice, then when you submit you will receive your voucher to spend within 24 hours (most parents so far have received it within a few hours).


Good luck - let us know (e-mail or phone school) if you have any problems.  Next week's order is being processed so hopefully this will be less frustrating next week and thereafter.


Yours sincerely,


Rob Simpson

(Head Teacher)
