Dear Parents,
Today there has been progress for some, but again frustration for some others. With no apparent pattern or reason, I can see that the majority of parents' status on the Edenred website have turned to 'LIVE' (38 out of 48), with a small number not processed yet. Of the 38 that have gone 'LIVE', 10 so far have progressed to 'REDEEMED', meaning parents have successfully acted upon the e-mail they have received and ordered their voucher. A few parents now have their finished voucher on their phone for the supermarket of their choice, so it seems it is worth waiting for and proves that we will get there! Again, apologies for the frustration this has caused parents - this is the same up and down the country. Please ensure you check your 'junk' e-mails in case they have been sent there. The website definitely seems to work quicker in the evening or early morning, so if you have received your e-mail, it is worth having a go out of office hours to save a lot of time.
Liverpool Local Authority recognise this problem and have kindly purchased a huge number of £10 ASDA vouchers for our city's parents entitled to Free School Meals. If you have not yet received your e-mail, you can go to the school office tomorrow and collect one voucher per child from Miss Harrison, who is leading the Hub in the office this week.
Next week's order was made yesterday, two days earlier than last week when we were first trying to collect the e-mail addresses, so as the system settles down, I hope these teething problems will be resolved by the powers that be, and you will receive your vouchers on time.
In the meantime, thank you again for your patience - we are doing everything we can and are still ahead of many many schools in the city with where we are up to at the moment.
Yours sincerely,
Rob Simpson
(Head Teacher)