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Dot Art Competition - VOTE NOW!

"Dot-art Schools" is an interactive, online, inter-school, art competition, taking part on an annual basis and culminating in an exhibition in Liverpool city centre. Open to primary (year 6) and secondary (year 9) schools in the Liverpool City Region. It is designed to nurture talent, raise ambition, and take art out of the classroom and into the real world. Dot-art Schools offers a way of keeping young people engaged with the arts, allows them to see a creative career path, and encourages them to attend exhibitions and engage with culture, outside of school.


Our Y6 children have produced some outstanding artwork with the help of Miss Lamont at Art Club after school on Fridays during the Spring Term.  Three of the pieces have been selected for the final judgement, which takes place soon.  You can vote at:

(copy and paste this link into your browser and VOTE NOW!)

