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Intent for SMSC


Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds, Healthy Futures


SMSC refers to Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development of a child. At Norman Pannell Primary School, we aim to prepare our children to take a full role in society as confident individuals and good citizens.

SMSC including British Values are at the heart of our curriculum and therefore are embedded across all subjects and threaded through our school ethos and daily life. With this whole school, inclusive approach, our vision is to help each individual child develop clear aspirations of who they want to be in our world.


Implementation of SMSC


SMSC is a feature of every aspect of school life at Norman Pannell and therefore, SMSC is promoted though:


  • Each area of the curriculum during planned lessons and activities.
  • Our whole school PSHE schemes 'Jigsaw' and 'P4C'.
  • Our weekly assemblies which focus on various themes throughout the year.
  • Guest visitors and off-timetable lessons/events that complement different curriculum areas.
  • Class trips and visits.
  • Extra-curricular clubs and activities.
  • Restorative Practice which complements and supports our behaviour policy.


Impact of SMSC


Well promoted SMSC can contribute to raising academic standards and improving children’s life chances.

Our children leave KS2 able to look back on an interesting and happy primary education, proud of their successes and self-disciplined. We want them to be confident that they have worked hard and made friends, are able to encourage others – maybe lead, and for the foundation to have been laid for them to be a responsible member of society, interested in the world around them and keen to make a positive contribution to society. We hope that they will be willing to share and reflect upon their own and others’ faiths, be able to work with others, regardless of gender, race or sexuality, understand changes and be eager for challenge!

SMSC Policy

Young Citizens Go-Givers Home Learning Pack


This learning pack has been designed to support SMSC, Citizenship and PSHE learning at home. The Go-Givers resources are all aimed at developing caring and compassionate Young Citizens. 


The overview below outlines each activity and if it is suitable for you KS1 or KS2 child. The following stars hold the resources for each theme. Have a look at these activities and give them a go at home!



Useful Websites and Activities

Whole School SMSC Display


Each class has contributed to the display with a leaf or a flower. The children have written on the leaves and flowers something relating to SMSC that they have enjoyed taking part in this year, for example: School trips, Jigsaw Lessons etc.

SMSC links on displays


Our whole-school and classroom displays identify each area of SMSC the work and learning on that display relates to.
