Home Page

Year 2

Year 2 Summer Home Learning

Oak National Academy

Oak National Academy is a free platform which is accessible on any device including mobiles. There are no sign ups or logins required. Oak offers pupils online lessons and resources. The lessons are structured in a series of 'building blocks' and contain a starter quiz, finishing quiz and an activity.  Each session contains a pre-recorded video lesson taught by a teacher.


All lessons are available now and over the summer to catch up on any missed learning. Below, are links to some of the key objectives that need to be covered.



Year 2 Face, Shapes and Patterns


Lesson 1 - To identify shapes by the number of sides and vertices


Lesson 2 - To identify right angles in shapes


Lesson 3 - To recognise lines of symmetry within 2-D shapes


Lesson 4 – To name and describe 3-D shapes


Lesson 5 - To identify 2-D shapes on the surfaces of 3-D shapes


Lesson 6 – To describe and create shape patterns


Lesson 7 - To compare and sort 2-D and 3-D shapes


Lesson 8 - To describe the position of an object


Lesson 9 - To be able to give directions


Lesson 10 - To use the language of rotation


Lesson 11 - To make predictions about rotation


Lesson 12 - To be able to rotate shapes



Lesson 13 - To identify how patterns have been created through rotation


Lesson 14 - To follow a route around a map



Lesson 15 - To consolidate and review


Year 2  Measures: capacity and volume


Lesson 1 – To be able to read the temperature on a thermometer


Lesson 2 – To estimate and measure in litres


Lesson 3 - To solve word problems that involve litres


Lesson 4 – To compare mililitres and litres using fractions


Lesson 5 - To use millilitres


Lesson 6 - To compare and order millilitres and litres


Lesson 7 - To solve word problems about capacity and volume


Lesson 8 - To solve word problems about capacity and volume - part two


Lesson 9 - Consolidation and application



Dear Parents / Carers,

Following government advice Norman Pannell remains open at this time.  We will continue to inform parents and carers of any updates we receive. Please see below for useful websites, links to home learning and resources to be used while Year 2 children are in self isolation, social distancing or in the event of school closure.





New Resources April 2020

Spelling - read all of the Year 2 common exception words, spell out loud and write them down.

Welcome to Year 2


Hi and welcome to Year 2's class page! Our Teachers this year are Mrs Brown and Mrs McMaster.


P.E days are:



Reading books will be sent home daily and books will be changed on a regular basis. Children will complete a guided reading session each week with Mrs Brown and Mrs McMaster.


Homework will be handed out on Friday and needs to be returned no later than Wednesday for marking and new homework to be set.


We hope you enjoy looking at our class page which will be updated regularly with photos and examples of work we are doing in class. 

Keep an eye on our website and Twitter page for any information, updates and photographs throughout the year!


Click the link below to visit our Twitter Class page


Thanks for your continued support.
