Home Page

Year 1

Hi and welcome to Year 1's class page! Our Teacher this year is Mrs Ghader and our teaching assistant is Mrs Nugent. PPA time and release from class will be covered by Miss McCallion.


P.E days are:

Monday - Multi skills

Friday- Gymnastics with Mr Shard.


Reading books will be sent home daily and books will be changed on a weekly basis. Please see the class door for your child's reading day. Children will complete a guided reading session each week with Mrs Ghader.


Homework will be handed out on Fridays and needs to be returned no later than Wednesdays for marking and new homework to be set.


We hope you enjoy looking at our class page which will be updated regularly with photos and examples of work we are doing in class.


Thanks for your continued support

Mrs Ghader and Mrs Nugent.



Parents meeting Monday 11th September 2017

Today Year 1 were very lucky to have a taster session of Yoga with Ellie from Yoga Bears. We had so much fun and were very relaxed at the end.

This week Year 1 have been learning all about Pride. We think that everyone should be allowed to be themselves and be proud of who they are. We created flags using Pride colours.

On Thurday 7th June Year 1 dressed up as festival goers for the PTA. We had lots of fun.

Over the past 2 weeks in English we have been looking at instructions. We watched the part in Toy Story where Al cleans and fixes Woody. We then acted out the scene and said the instructions as we went along. Soon we will write instructions for the game Pie Face.

Hands by Deaf Active - over the coming weeks each Friday morning Year 1 have been joining the rest of the school to take part in an exciting session where we learn sign language and movements to a song. We have been having lots of fun.

In Science we are looking at plants. We went outside to do a plant hunt. We found lots of different plants and flowers.

PTA Easter Egg hunt- Today we took part in a fantastic egg hunt arranged by our wonderful PTA. We had to look for clues which then led us to the Eggs! Thank you PTA!

Easter Crafts at Christ Church- Today we went to Christ Church to make different Easter Crafts. We made Easter baskets, iced biscuits, chick mobiles and sand bunnies. We had lots of fun. Thank You Christ Church!

World Book Day

The children had a lovely day dressed up as their favourite book characters.  Year 4 came to our classroom and read stories with us. 

Tonight we went to the Valley Theatre to perform our songs that we have been learning with Rock Kidz. We had so much fun!

Year 1 Trip to Lego Discovery. Year 1 had a fabulous time at Lego Discovery. We went on the rides, drove Lego Police cars and made our own spinning tops. We had a great time watching a 4D Lego film and playing in the interactive play area. The children were extremely well behaved. Well done Year 1!

Massage- Today in year 1 we had the opportunity to take part in a massage session. We really enjoyed it and those who weren't quite sure were allowed to watch. We felt really relaxed afterwards!

Year 1 made Story Boxes at home to use to create our own Traction Man stories. Thank you Parents and children for your hard work making these! They are FABULOUS!

Year 1 had lots of fun on our Trip to the Museum of Liverpool. We learnt lots about the different buildings. We also had chance to play with the Ferry boats in Little Liverpool and look at the cars going through the Mersey Tunnel when we turned the handle.

We had fun singing 'Yellow Submarine' by The Beatles in the Karaoke booth.

Still image for this video

We had a wonderful time at Maths Breakfast this week. Thanks to all the parents who attended. We had lots of fun!

Philosophy for Children based on the story Elmer. We came up with the question: Is it good to be different? We had a really good discussion based on this question and whether we agreed or disagreed with each other.

Children in Need 2017. Children had lots of fun dressing up.

Today we started looking at Poetry linked to the senses. We went out onto the playground and thought about things we could see, hear, smell, taste and touch.

Poetry linked to the senses 30.10.17

Both years 1 and 2 had a lovely assembly this morning with Chris from Christ church. She reads the children bible stories every Tuesday morning.