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Welcome to our Reception Class

In our Reception Class you will find the teachers called Miss Gold and Miss Rotheram and the Learning Support Assistant is called Miss Ashley. We are all so excited in getting to know the Reception class and continuing our Learning Journey.

* Please don’t forget to look at the Reception door for updates!

* Please don’t forget your £1 cooking/snack money every week.

* Please don’t forget your book bags.


Welcome to Reception in Norman Pannell Primary school where we love to learn both indoors and outdoors! We have lots of opportunities to learn though active play, investigations, stories and visits and the children have settled in very quickly and are ready to learn no.


We strive to ignite children’s curiosity and enthusiasm for learning building their capacity to learn, form relationships and thrive! Below is an outline of what your child will be learning in Reception over the year. Each term, a shorter medium term plan will be added so that you know what your child will be learning over a half term period!


If you have any questions, worries or just 'news' please let one of the Reception staff know!

What Reception will learn about this year...


Graduation Day! Such an emotional day! Reception are now ready for the next stage of their learning! Well Done!! (17.7.19)

Baking scrumptious sunflower snacks!

The Hope Challenge ~ Well Done to Reception! What a celebration! (20.6.19)

Spoiling our Grandads, Dads and Uncles today! Thank you for coming to our Messy Morning! #Grandad'sIsland (14.6.19)

One school trip: 4 stops off! Cathedral, Central Library, World Museum and The Apple Shop! (11.6.19)

Spanish Week! So much learning has taken place this week and today was Spanish Day! Ole!! (6.6.19)

Spanish Week! We kicked off this week with Spanish cooking, castanet making and flag painting! (04.06.19)

A busy week in Reception class! We did some baking, number work and road safety!! (23.05.19)

Our 5 guests have finally cocooned! How very exciting so we made 'Butterfly Cakes' in baking! (17.5.19)

Today we were a human graph; looking at our favourite chocolate bars (17.5.19)

Multi-Skills in PE today! We were healthy today and did lots of running around! (14.5.19)

Busy, busy, busy! Our caterpillars are growing....and then we did our favourite lesson...PHONICS!!!! (13.5.19)

Today we made Troll biscuits using candy floss for the hair! (9.5.19)

Meet our 'Dance Star' of the Week! (7.5.19)

Our amazing 3D exhibition that our children did for homework! So proud! It looks fantastic (7.5.19)

We have FIVE new guests in our class this week! Caterpillars! (2.5.19)

Meet our 'Dance Stars of the Week' ~ well done! (30.5.19)

Busy day in Reception today: Making our Worry Dolls, Talking about what our Parents do when we are at school! (29.4.19)

We started our 'Teeth Brushing' Programme today to keep our teeth healthy, using flouride toothpaste! (29.4.19)

Superstar Writers in Reception.....writing short stories! (24.4.19)

Let's talk about how we are feeling in the mornings... (24.4.19)

Restorative Practice ~ we talked today about how we feel in the mornings and how to overcome feeling angry or sad (5.4.19)

Our Easter Bonnet Parade ~ such a fantastic effort from everyone! Your catwalking was superb too! (5.4.19)

We found the Easter Bunny today and did an Easter Egg Hunt too! (4.4.19)

Messy Morning today with our parents/carers! Then we ate Easter Cakes made by Emily. Yum Yum! (2.4.19)

Welcome to the Liverpool Hope Students who have come to help us plan our Easter Party! (1.4.19)

Today we got on a plane and went to London to find Paddington Bear! We loved our flight!! (21.3.19)

Down Syndrome Awareness Day ~ Silly Socks (21.3.19)

Messy Fun in Reception!! (18.3.19)

Red Nose Day! (15.3.19)

Making our delicious baguettes! (14.03.19)

Help! We are stuck........!! (14.3.19)

Making our own chairs in the block area and independent writing! Another busy day in Reception today! (13.3.19)

We have been so busy this week and it's only Tuesday!!! (12.3.19)

Let's celebrate "World Book Day" by dressing up! (7.3.19)

Ellise, Lucy and Emily work out number problems! *Splat* (6.3.19)

Our Paddington Bear Bread Slice...thanks Miss Libby for helping us! (28.2.19)

Our first PE lesson in Reception!! (26.02.19)

Making our Valentine cookies topped with pink icing. They were delicious...!! (14.2.19)

Rambles has a new home! Thank you :0) (13.2.19)

A huge well done to this gorgeous boy for never giving up and showing so much resilience today !! Whoop whoop! (12.2.19)

Maths Morning...let's play with numbers! (12.2.19)

PSHE- When I grow up... (04.02.19)

Baking our 'burger' cupcakes... Yummy! (31.01.19)

Let's welcome our visitors from Hope University (30.1.19)

Baking, Reading Stay and Play and playing in the snowflakes!! (18.1.19)

Our first ICT lesson in the ICT Suite! We learnt how to use a mouse!!! (7.1.19)

Problem Solving: the children had to get into a pattern of boy/girl. They did this in silence! *WOW* (7.1.19)

Christmas Hat Parade! (20.12.18)

Nativity, Santa Dash and Party Day! So much fun in Reception!! (19.12.18)

Making Christmas biscuits and having fun at Christmas Lunch today! (13.12.18)

Mrs Brown came in to tell us about the story of the Nativity We also celebrated her 70th Birthday! (11.12.18)

Elton is causing too much mischief in class! Thursday/Friday/Monday (10.12.18)

Today we had a Chanukah party with Nursery and Y2. We lit the candles and ate donuts!! We loved it... (5.12.18)

What did Elton the Elf get up to on Tuesday and Wednesday? Soooo naughty!! (5.12.18)

That pesky Elf! Elton ate all the sweets from the sweetie box.....he went on the time-out chair!! (3.12.18)

Playing in the block area....Follow the Leader! (30.11.18)

Uh Oh! Elton the Elf arrived today!! What will he get up to when we are not here??!! (30.11.18)

Meet William our Worrier. We tell him our worries ~ zip them up and he eats them! (30.11.18)

We have been learning about Chanukah, playing with dreidels and making candle biscuits! (29.11.18)

Standing up for Yourself! learning what to say when someone says or does something unkind :0( (26.11.18)

Stop. Look. Listen. Think.. It's road safety! (22.11.18)

Decorating our balls! (20.11.18)

We made our own Number Line to 10 (14.11.18)

Messy Morning ~ Let's make papermache balls! (9.11.18)

How we learn through Play (7.11.18)

We are making Poppies with plates, paint and black paper...(6.11.18)

Getting Busy and Beauty & the Beast Pantomine! (02.11.18)

A present from Sparkles! A Wizard Workshop for Writing! (16.10.18)

Getting busy in Reception...and baking flapjacks! yummy!! (11.10.18)

Such a fantastic day at Calderstones Park and we covered 3.5miles of walking! We experienced so many things as you can see from the photos! A Gruffalo hunt, a maze run, looking for squirrels, feeding the ducks, walking over the Troll's golden bridge and looking for conkers. We also had a race across the park....!! Our first school trip was a total learning success. smiley

Phonics, honey sandwiches, painting conkers and getting 'busy' (3.10.18)

Little Red Riding Hood popped in for a quick chat! (2.10.18)

Our First Stay & Play: Massage and Meditation (27.9.18)

Our Daily Mile and Working Hard in Class (26.9.18)

The Crime Scene in Reception!! (24.09.18)

Baking, Balance Bikes and doing Hard Work! (20.9.18)

Outdoor play with some writing! We also found a snail!! (18.9.18)

Our first 'meditation' today. We all dreamt we were on Alladin's magic carpet... (17.9.18)

Our shape hunt around the school (17.9.18)

Some of our displays this week....! Such an exciting week!! (14.9.18)

Thursday Baking and Balance Bikes (13.9.18)

Massage in Reception (12.9.18)

Lunchtime for Reception. Yummy food today... (12.9.18)

We know our colours :0) (11.9.18)

This is how we write...phonics has begun! (11.9.18)

Our first few days in big school: morning children (7.9.18)

Our first few days in big school: afternoon children (7.9.18)
